
Here are the new and the noteworthy items of this MonkeyWorld3D release:


Introduction for new entity types:
  • Spawn point entity: TBD.
  • Comment point entity: put some comments for other designers.
  • Group entity: Group your entities as a bunch of inter-related nodes.
  • Selection bounding box: when you select an entity in the level, it will be bounded with a debugging box.
    Entity transformation: Dynamic entities now have entity transformation; which is based on the jme SpatialTransformer. This will give the designer complete power, of defining the entity position, rotation, and scaling, at a given point in time.
    This also allows for simple cut-scene management.
    Entity query:
    Enity query is a simple facility that will enable designers to quickly search for an entity in the level; automatically zooms to the found entity.
    Entity materials
    You can add a material state to your entity now. And change / play with its attributes. Currently, one material is enabled.


    Real-time terrain editing:
    Designers can now edit the terrain in a real-time manner. There are a bunch of brush facilities that will give the users control over editing the geometry of the terrain in the editor. Now you can raise, lower, flatten smooth terrain in real-time.
    More terrain generation algorithms added:
    Hills algorithm - recently added to jme.
    Improved terrain vegetation
    Terrain vegetation, has been greatly improved since the first release. Most of the vegetation layer is configurable with many choices.
    Also, when you add model to the vegetation layer you can synchronize it with the slope of the terrain.


    Improved Gizmo, and directions. Gizmo now has an arrow head that can be dragged.
    Save location, goto location facility. Users can save up to 5 locations that they feel will be used most and bounce between them whenever they want.
    Designer Screenshots Just click on CTRL+P, navigate to the level work space to see a nice screen shot that you can share with us.
    Increasingly simplified camera and entity management
    The status line now has many controls with reference to the camera, and entities in general. You can control the speed of the camera, change the camera position, or even strafe; all without touching a single button.
    Also you can change the selected entity attributes; move it, rotate it, and scale it.
    Addition of the grid helper
    A grid helper, to aid in the positioning of the entities in the world (see "Terrain is now optional").
    Terrain is now optional
    Thinking of not using terrain in your game? No problem. Just deactivate it, and you will have a level with no terrain at all.
    Activation methodology
    Any time you feel like you don't need something specific for the level, just deactive it. Examples are: skyboxes, terrain, light, etc.
    History component
    A new component has been added to the level; History. This will show all of the move actions in the level.
    A new way to add primitives
    Located on the left bar of the editor, any shape can be added on the fly.
    Water surface addition
    Now in MonkeyWorld3D you can add water with effects to your level.

    TGA image format support
    Now you can have TGA textures and view them inside the editor as well as apply them to entities, or terrain.
    Improved workspace management
    When the editor first starts up it asks where to create your workspace. Simply choose a directory and all new or previous levels will be targeted to that directory.
    Improved texture viewer, and chooser
    You can navigate through an entire directory of textures, and models. By selecting any supported image filename will cause it to be previewed. Also, notice that TGA image support is newly included with preview functionality.
    Improved level navigation Level navigation will display all entities in the level with entity categorization. For example; if you have a complex entity, or triggers, or any other entity, then all you need to do is search that specific type of entity. Also, listeners where added to the level navigator so that when an entity is selected in the 3D scene it will also be selected on the level entity tree viewer. Double clicking a selected entity will zoom the 3D scene directly to that entity. Also you can create, delete, open, save or refresh the level from this Level menu.

    MonkeyWorld3D preferences:

    Introduction of preferences management of the editor.
    Now users will be able to manage most of the editor configuration through the preference pages. Fog, primitives attributes, level camera, far / near fields all can be done through the preferences.